
Tuesday, August 18, 2015 Unknown 0 Comments

"My son is four and he still refuses to even try to use the potty and I was wondering when..."

"My kid started OT three months ago and my husband and I still haven't seen any improvement so when..." 

"When did your Kiddo start eating?  I swear I could deal with the picky eating if I just knew when it would end..." 

Every time I see "when" in a sentence about autism and a young child, I sigh.  Not a "Gee, these people are so clueless." one.  More like "Oh yeah, I remember when I still 
couldn't let go of those milestone moments too."  Oh newbies.  Welcome to #TeamQuirky!  A life where you learn schedules really can help your child with autism and yet there's no real set standard of one to follow.  Come sit by me at this lunch table.  I am part of your tribe. 

I get it.  Your little one is in front of you and you are still consulting all your parenting books about what they should be doing at that age.  You see the time slipping away from you.  Why aren't they following the instructions?   You want to fix the problem. You are running out of time!

Here's the thing sport.  You must chill out.  There's a person that needs a time out right now and it's you.  I know. I know.  You're rattling off the screen right now about the importance of early intervention and how your child is falling behind and you have a limited window of time and yadda, yadda, yadda...  I hear you.  I know that song. Hell, I wrote that song.  The milestones?  The benchmarks? Guess who's in charge of that? I'll give you a hint.  NOT YOU! ...

Read the full blog post at Autism with a side of fries.
