Hear this: Listening device helps children with autism

Wednesday, December 04, 2013 SPORK! 0 Comments

29 November 2013

In a classroom buzzing with noise, children with autism — especially those who also have hearing problems — can find it challenging to tune in.
A study published earlier this year found that 6 percent of children with hearing problems have autism, compared with 1 percent of the general population. Still, there is little research exploring devices that improve hearing in these children.
A new study, published 30 October in The Journal of Pediatrics, reports that a wireless radio-frequency listening device helps children with autism hear teachers talk, which in turn improves their social interactions and learning.
With this kind of system, a teacher wears a wireless microphone, usually on her lapel. A transmitter relays her voice to a receiver and earpiece worn by the child...
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